Here at Olympic Industries, we’ll be the first to tell you we’re not the lowest cost metal fabricator, and we don’t want to be. We do our best to keep prices low for our customers, and in order for us to deliver high-quality components, we have to invest in ways that bring value to our customers.

You know that old saying “you get what you pay for”? It’s especially true for metal fabrication shops. When you find the manufacturer with the lowest cost, there’s always a reason they can offer those prices. And that reason might be something that lowers the value of what they provide to you. So, even though getting a lower price sounds good, you want to be sure the quality isn’t lower too.

Here’s a look at a few of the ways we bring additional value to our customers.


quality inspection

The quality control processes we keep in place ensure our components are up to standard. 

Year over year, we track and measure the number of defective parts per million (DPPM). With those numbers, we always have a baseline of how we’re currently doing, which we use to improve the quality of fabricated components.


Instead of outsourcing various segments of the manufacturing process, we perform our metal fabrication services in-house. We believe that each decision to outsource opens up opportunities for error and increases the chance of defective products. By maintaining in-house manufacturing processes, we can keep a closer eye on quality control.


We invest in metal fabrication equipment as a way to deliver fabricated metal products that are consistent and high quality. Our machinery allows us to reduce our DPPM and deliver quality components to our customers. You can see an overview of our in-house equipment here.


Olympic Industries has long-term employees in all areas – from fabricators and managers to customer service reps and buyers. And just about everybody has had their time working the shop floor. Our employees know how material reacts to fabrication. Whether something is being bent, stamped, cut, or some combination of all three, they know how to set up machines based on the material they’re working with and the result they need. There’s a certain level of expertise that’s only gained over time, and we have it in-house.

There is no shortage of metal fabrication shops that manufacture sheet metal components. Where we differ from the competition is in our proven manufacturing processes, our waste-eliminating procedures, our skilled employees, and our collaborative approach to meeting and exceeding the needs of our customers.

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